MPR News Presents

Speeches, documentaries and debates.

American RadioWorks documentary: 'Greater Expectations: The Challenge of the Common Core'
The Common Core State Standards are a new set of expectations for what students should learn each year in school. The standards have been adopted by most states, though there's plenty of controversy about them among activists and politicians. Most teachers, however, actually like the standards.
In the Hollywood version, robots are human-like, and are either very good or very evil. Will super-intelligence and autonomous machines solve many of society's problems, or unleash many unintended consequences? The Intelligence Squared debate motion is: "Don't trust the promise of artificial intelligence."
Dr. Atul Gawande: how systems can help prevent medical mistakes
Internationally renowned Boston surgeon and Harvard Medical School professor Atul Gawande says failures and mistakes occur in every occupation, and better checklists and systems are needed to prevent them in medical care.
American RadioWorks documentary: 'An Imperfect Revolution: Voices from the Desegregation Era'
As Minnesota education officials wrestle with decisions about desegregation rules, and which schools should comply with them, an American RadioWorks documentary gives some historical context. An era marked by struggle and hope, anger and idealism. The school children, who are now adults, talk about the lessons learned.
Following Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman's announcement that he would not be charging the officers involved in the shooting death of Jamar Clark, attorneys, community members and Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodges respond.
The 1968 presidential campaign: 'The McCarthy Tapes'
A 2006 Minnesota Public Radio News documentary offers insight into the Minnesota senator's personality as well as the disconnect between the presidential candidate and his supporters.
Lt. Gov. Tina Smith on Minnesota's gifts and challenges
Congressional Quarterly's Roll Call just named Lt. Gov. Tina Smith one of the 25 most influential women in state politics. At a recent event held at the College of St. Benedict, Smith said she is optimistic about Minnesota's future because so many Minnesotans are inventive, and are always figuring out better ways to do things.
IRS chief answers questions at National Press Club
IRS commissioner John Koskinen says the top priority for the IRS is protecting taxpayer data and stopping identity theft and refund fraud. 125 tax returns are accepted every second at peak times, but last year the IRS did the fewest audits in a decade. Koskinen spoke at the National Press Club March 24, 2016.
How police-community relations can be improved
MPR News and Twin Cities Black Journalists hosted a panel discussion on police-community relations, featuring three community activists and three local members of the National Black Police Association.