Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer

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Minnesota Now
MPR News

Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer is journalism that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s reporting that puts people first with live, down-to-earth, unscripted interviews that aim to inform and entertain. Tune in to Minnesota Now weekdays at noon on the radio or the live audio stream at mprnews.org.

Listen: Missed the show? Want to hear a specific conversation? Check out past episodes and segments on Apple PodcastsSpotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

Minnesota music: One of the pillars of Minnesota Now is featuring great Minnesota-based music. Here’s this year’s playlist of songs heard on the show.

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A new novel about a ‘sandwich’ generation explores middle age and senior synchronized swimming
St. Paul author Sarah C. Johns’ debut novel features three generations of women with a unique family history, and the stars of the show are in their late 50s and and 70s. And they’re working together to ready a team for a senior synchronized swimming competition.
15 Hmong language teachers become first to get accredited, Karen and Somali language next
We’re seeing more school districts across Minnesota starting to provide, Hmong, Somali and Karen language classes. But there hasn’t been the infrastructure to teach those classes until now.
A Minnesota delegate and a political science expert weigh in on Biden’s candidacy
As support for Biden wavers after Thursday’s debate, we checked in with two Minnesotans: an uncommitted DNC delegate and a professor of political science.
20-year-old loops Lake Superior solo in 42 days, buoyed by climate change awareness
A triple science major at the College of St. Scholastica may be both the fastest and youngest to circumnavigate Lake Superior in a kayak — and he’s hoping the 1,000-mile trip will draw more attention to climate change’s effects in Minnesota.