Kerri Miller Feature

Can Cuba survive commercial culture?
The opening of the embassies in Cuba and the US is a symbolic move in the normalization of relations between the two countries, but what will the real effects of that normalization be on the political, economic and environmental landscapes.
Are American views on infidelity changing?
There are a lot of people who are using the Internet to be unfaithful. Does that mean our opinions about infidelity have changed?
The 1965 Watts neighborhood riots are often considered a tipping point in race relations in Los Angeles and the United States. Jean Theoharis opines that we have a long way to go.
Pro tips: Declaring a college major
Choosing a college major is a major decision, right? We look at how important it is to have a major picked out by the time freshmen arrive on campus, and how much your major determines your career path and eventual earnings.
Breakup songs that let a broken heart sing
A good breakup song is cathartic. We collected the best breakup songs from two music critics and Kerri Miller's audience.
New guidelines could stem rising tide of hospitalizations related to food allergies
In the last 15 years, the number of American kids who are allergic to peanuts has quadrupled. New research suggests that feeding babies who are at high risk of developing an allergy to peanuts could help.