Kerri Miller Feature

Tracing America's 'opiate epidemic'
This epidemic is different than the crack cocaine epidemic in the 1980s and early 1990s, said author Sam Quinones. His book "Dreamland" explores the roots of the issue.
How to talk to your aging parents about money
The best financial planning starts early. Being left with unanswered questions and unknown finances when a parent falls ill or dies can complicate an already painful experience.
The fate of Prince's memoir is uncertain
Prince announced just last month that he was working on a memoir to be published in 2017. Rolling Stone called it "one of the most anticipated memoirs in music history."
As I Lay Trying: How to read William Faulkner
"Believe me, when it comes to finding Faulkner difficult, we've all been there," writes Christopher Rieger, director of the Center for Faulkner Studies at Southeast Missouri State University.
A great American novel about a great American crisis
Angela Flournoy's debut novel, "The Turner House," follows the fate of a family home on Detroit's East Side during the foreclosure crisis in 2008. The book was a finalist for the National Book Award.
Could you come up with $400 if disaster struck?
According to the Federal Reserve Board, 47 percent of Americans would have trouble coming up with $400 for a health problem, car repair or other emergency.