Kerri Miller Feature

What the next president will actually be able to accomplish
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are making promises about what they will do if granted access to the White House. What can they realistically accomplish in the first term of their presidency?
Political Junkie: More email news
Political Junkie, Ken Rudin, talks about the FBI's decision to re-open its investigation into Hillary Clinton's e-mails and whether the constant drip of stolen e-mails from Wikileaks will erode Clinton's recent gains in swing states.
Obamacare is on life support
The Affordable Care Act is at a crisis point in many states around the country. Two guests talked about which issues are the most urgent to solve and if the problems with Obamacare reflect overall problems with the American health care system.
America's trust in the media continues to decline
CNN Worldwide correspondent Brian Stelter and NYU journalism professor Pamela Newkirk talked about why only 32 percent of Americans say that they have a "great deal" or "fair amount" of trust in the media.