
With mini helicopter on Mars, NASA hopes to reinvent flight 'on another world'
The four-pound helicopter, called Ingenuity, made the long journey from Earth stowed away underneath the Perseverance rover. On Saturday, NASA confirmed that Ingenuity had safely separated from the rover and dropped to Mars' surface.
Mummified parrots reveal 'sophisticated' ancient trade in South American desert
Scientists found remains of parrots in the Atacama Desert, far from the birds' home in the Amazon. The discovery allowed scientists to reconstruct ancient trading routes used to transport the birds.
AP interview: EPA head committed to 'scientific integrity'
The new head of the Environmental Protection Agency is taking steps to restore what he calls “scientific integrity” at the EPA. And one way Michael Regan is trying to do that is by reversing Trump administration actions that sidelined many academic scientists as advisers in favor of industry figures.
COVID vaccine found highly effective in real-world U.S. study
The U.S. government’s first look at the real-world use of COVID-19 vaccines found their effectiveness was nearly as robust as it was in controlled studies. The study was done in Miami; Duluth, Minnesota; Portland, Oregon; Temple, Texas; Salt Lake City; and Phoenix and other areas in Arizona.
A cultural triumph: Microbiology student makes a petri dish masterpiece
Balaram Khamari has been spending a lot of time in his lab, culturing colorful bacteria and artfully arranging it on a jelly-like substance called agar. He is part of a growing body of scientists across the world who make agar art, and even compete for prizes.
Scientific specimens are going online, but much remains hidden in storage
From fish in jars to rare seeds and microbes, hundreds of millions of biological specimens are stored around the U.S., and caretakers are trying to make them accessible for future research.