
NASA spacecraft rockets toward sun for closest look yet
As soon as this fall, the Parker Solar Probe will fly straight through the wispy edges of the sun's corona, or outer atmosphere. It eventually will get within 3.8 million miles of the surface in the years ahead, allowing scientists to vicariously explore the sun in a way never before possible.
Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend
The annual meteor shower will peak late Sunday night and early Monday morning, but you can also catch a good number of meteors in the middle of the night on Saturday. Find a dark spot and let your eyes adjust.
Authorities said the perpetrators of the attack used so-called phishing emails to access the credentials to about 20 employees' email accounts. They then used those legitimate accounts to send out malicious emails.
ALS is robbing these Minnesotans of speech, but they won't be silenced
One of the most devastating effects of ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, is that it typically causes people to lose their ability to speak. A relatively new technology is giving Minnesotans a chance to preserve their voices.
Crackdown on 'bots' sweeps up people who tweet often
While Nina Tomasieski's goal is simply to advance the agenda of a president she adores, she and her friends have been swept up in an expanded effort by Twitter and other social media companies to crack down on nefarious tactics used to meddle in the 2016 election.