
Scientists may have discovered 'dark oxygen' being created without photosynthesis
It has long been understood that photosynthesis creates oxygen, but researchers believe they've found oxygen being created in parts of the ocean with no light.
Why many scientists fear a second Trump term
Federal scientists work on everything from agriculture and housing to weather forecasts and electricity generation. Many worry they will face censorship if Trump wins in November.
Astronomers are scrambling to save the world's most powerful X-ray space telescope
NASA is facing a tight budget and wants to wrap up the Chandra X-ray Observatory, but astronomers don't want to see the 25-year-old X-ray space telescope mission go.
From a basement lab to computers worldwide, Concordia College digitizes thousands of species
After languishing for decades — in some cases more than a century — in Minnesota museum collections, more than one million bugs, birds and other specimens are now being offered to a new audience.
A scientist took a psychedelic drug — and watched his own brain 'fall apart'
Scientists scanned the brains of people who took psilocybin, including a member of the research team. The scans showed how the drug disrupts key networks, potentially enhancing brain plasticity.
The world's population is projected to peak at 10.3 billion in the 2080s, U.N. says
Additionally, the global life expectancy is beginning to climb again post-COVID pandemic, and is now 73.3 years of age. It is anticipated to climb to 77.4 years in 2054.
Volunteers who lived in a NASA-created Mars replica for over a year have emerged
The four crew members entered the 3D-printed Mars replica on June 25, 2023, as part of a NASA experiment to observe how humans would fare living on the Red Planet.
To save spotted owls, officials plan to kill a half-million of another owl species
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service strategy is meant to prop up declining spotted owl populations in Oregon, Washington and California by killing barred owls that have encroached into their territory.
Don Wyse remembered as early champion of sustainable agriculture research in Minnesota
University of Minnesota professor Don Wyse, a proponent of sustainable agricultural practices, died Tuesday. Wyse co-founded the Forever Green Initiative, a project to research new, more sustainable crops for Minnesota farmers.