Trump impeachment

Senators voted on Feb. 5, 2020 to acquit President Trump on two articles of impeachment — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The vote ended the trial that began Jan. 21.

Want a quick overview of the case, those involved and key documents? Check out this NPR guide.

Defense resumes Monday in impeachment trial; Democrats seek witnesses
President Trump's impeachment trial enters a pivotal week Monday as his defense team resumes its case, and senators face a critical vote on whether to hear witnesses or proceed directly to a vote that is widely expected to end in his acquittal.
'Take her out': In newly released recording, Trump heard discussing firing ambassador to Ukraine
In a recording made public on Saturday, President Trump can be heard speaking with two men he has claimed to not know, and ordering the firing of the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine.
Trump did 'nothing wrong,' his legal team says in first day of impeachment defense
President Trump "did absolutely nothing wrong," White House counsel Pat Cipollone said Saturday, as lawyers representing the president got their first shot to poke holes in the impeachment case made this week by Democrats.
'Bogus' Ukraine theory led to Trump's abuse, Dems tell trial
Democratic House prosecutors have made an expansive argument at President Trump's impeachment trial that he abused power like no other president in history, swept up by a “completely bogus” theory about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election.
Trial highlights: Democrats roll out case as senators fidget
The lead prosecutor, California Democrat Adam Schiff, says President Trump pursued a “corrupt scheme” to abuse his presidential power and then obstruct Congress' investigation. Schiff and other House managers faced a challenge Wednesday as they tried to win over fidgety senators sitting silently without phones or other electronics, just hours after a marathon session.
Democrats appeal for GOP help to convict 'corrupt' Trump
House Democrats launched into marathon arguments in President Trump's impeachment trial Wednesday, appealing to skeptical Republican senators to join them in voting to oust Trump from office to “protect our democracy.”
Republicans reject subpoenas as impeachment debate goes on
The Senate is going late into the night as it considers fine-tuning the rules for President Trump’s trial on two articles of impeachment. The Democrats failed to win over any Republicans on their arguments for issuing subpoenas for documents.
Fact check: Distortions in Trump's legal defense
President Trump through his lawyers assails Democrats for trying to upend the results of an election, which is precisely the point of impeachment in the Constitution. The case asserts Trump committed no crime, a benchmark for impeachment that the Constitution's authors avoided adopting in a well-documented debate.