2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

Rhetoric gets more heated between Dayton, GOP lawmakers
DFL Gov. Mark Dayton is calling out first-term GOP lawmakers as "right-wing extremists" who are blocking a compromise on a state budget deal. and defends his budget plan, which would cut spending and raise income taxes on Minnesota's top earners. Republicans say their plan is better because it doesn't raise taxes.
No budget deal makes Minn. special session certain
With Dayton promising to veto the Republicans' budget bills, a special session is likely. With neither side talking about compromise yet, the state appears headed for a July 1 government shutdown.
Session closes with no progress on a budget deal
Instead of a last rush of activity to finish by the midnight deadline, the GOP-controlled Legislature plodded along, debating issues such as civil lawsuits and the distribution of dedicated funds to outdoors and cultural programs.
No movement on the budget divide as session winds down
There's little movement on the budget, with some lawmakers even suggesting making contingency plans should a stalemate cause a government shutdown at the end of June. But the House appears poised to debate a same-sex marriage ballot measure.
The Senate has already passed the amendment. If the House follows suit, a question would be put on the 2012 ballot asking voters whether marriage should be defined as "between one man and one woman." The State Constitution would be amended if a majority of those voting in the election vote yes.