2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

Mpls., St. Paul in line for big bucks from state for local projects
This legislative session could be a good one for Minneapolis and St. Paul: With DFLers in control at the Capitol, Minnesota's two largest cities see opportunities to get more state money for their local priorities.
The bill was heard by nine separate committees on its way to the House floor, but Republicans complained that Democrats stopped all GOP attempts to make meaningful improvements.
As Dayton pushes for preschool, a success story in cultivating young minds
Supporters of early childhood education say that many children could benefit from programs like Bigelow Head Start in St. Paul and that this could finally be the year that Minnesota takes educating young children seriously.
Minnesota lawmakers try to make sense of sequester
Automatic federal budget cuts known as the sequester begin to take hold today. Minnesota's members of Congress are mostly back here in their home state and not in Washington trying to undo the $85 billion in cuts that members of both parties describe as harmful.
Dayton tax plan draws full house at hearing
Gov. Mark Dayton's sweeping proposal to overhaul Minnesota's taxes and raise about $2 billion in new revenue got its first public hearing last Wednesday night. The plan to raise income taxes on top earners and expand the sales tax while reducing property taxes drew passionate reactions.