2025 Minnesota legislative session

MPR News is your source for updates on the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Whether you’re looking for information about a new law or want an update on state funding decisions, you can find it here.

Though Gov. Tim Pawlenty scratched out an election win, his fellow Republicans gave up a lot of ground in the Legislature. The governor will deal with a House and Senate firmly in DFL control, nearly by veto-proof margins. That could fundamentally affect how state government raises money, sets its spending priorities and regulates business and personal behavior.
Minnesota legislators say goodbye
When the 2007 Minnesota Legislature convenes there will be several new faces. Midmorning talks with two retiring legislators about their experiences at the Capitol.
The politics of the session
The Legislature has finished its business. Now the governor and most legislators have to focus their attention on their own re-elections.
Familiar faces leaving Legislature
All House and Senate seats are on the ballot this fall. And so far 25 incumbent legislators have announced they are not running for re-election.
Legislators give themselves passing grades as session ends
As with every session, the list of things that didn't get done is just as long as what did. While the Twins and Gophers got their stadiums, the Minnesota Vikings will have to wait until at least next year for an Anoka County stadium complex. A provision in the Twins bill instructs the Vikings to continue developing their plans.
Lawmakers need Sunday session to finish work
Monday is the constitutional deadline to adjourn, but they can't pass any bills on the final day and they typically frown on meeting on Sunday. Even though there is disappointment that there is work left to do, several major initiatives passed over the last 24 hours including approval of two stadiums.
Lawmakers nail down bonding bill, aim to finish on time
Legislative negotiators struck a deal late Friday on a billion-dollar construction budget, clearing a path to an on-time finish to this year's session. The $1 billion capital bonding bill contains a laundry list of construction projects around Minnesota.
Midday: Live at the Capitol
With just days to go before the end of the 2006 legislative session, Midday talks to a host of influential lawmakers in a live broadcast from the Capitol rotunda.