Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

The three-judge panel in the recount trial allows the examination of 4,800 ballots. Republican Norm Coleman’s campaign said it’s a victory. Franken’s campaign said it’s neither. The Pi Press sums up the public response: “No matter what the legal teams said, the ruling and a second order on absentee ballots issued Tuesday certainly were victories…
The judges in the Senate recount trial won’t allow Republican Norm Coleman’s request to review 11,000 rejected absentee ballots. The court will allow, however, the review of about 4,800 ballots. Coleman’s campaign praised the ruling calling it “a strong step in the right direction.” Here’s the story.
DFL lawmakers are distributing a recent column written by Gov. Pawlenty that criticized the federal government for driving up the federal deficit. One lawmaker said the column is timely since Pawlenty’s budget plan proposed borrowing $1 billion through the sale of state bonds. He would use future revenue from the state’s tobacco lawsuit to pay…
Down goes Daschle
WASHINGTON (AP) – Tom Daschle has withdrawn his nomination to be Health and Human Services secretary. That’s according to a joint White House statement from President Barack Obama and his former nominee. Obama said Tuesday he accepted the withdrawal “with sadness and regret.” Daschle has been battling for his nomination since it was disclosed he…
Gov. Pawlenty has been speaking mostly to business groups since he released his budget proposal last week. Pawlenty usually gets amped up reminding the audience how Minnesota’s tax climate is making the state unattractive to businesses and job creation. He usually poses a few rhetorical questions to the crowd. But one business leader from the…
The Senate Finance Committee is holding a hearing on Gov. Pawlenty’s budget proposal and it’s providing interesting comments from lawmakers. DFL Sen. Steve Murphy is working pretty hard to offer a few analogies of Pawlenty’s budget. Here are two: Do you want to die of a bloody hatchet or a million paper cuts? It’s a…
DFL legislative leaders are not speculating as to whether they’ll raise taxes or revenue to plug the state’s nearly $5 billion budget deficit. Since they won’t, MPR takes a look at what options are available. Gov. Pawlenty says he expects the DFL to propose tax hikes. A report by the Legislative Auditor says there is…
Two Republican legislators say they want to take money that’s now dedicated to mass transit and spend it on school buses. The proposal would tap three transit accounts that are funded from a portion of the state sales tax on vehicle purchases, as well as a new quarter cent sales tax in metro area counties.…
MPR’s News Cut blog takes a look at who contributed to Republican Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken in the final two months of the year.