Capitol View®

Reporting on State Politics and Government

Attorneys for Republican Norm Coleman are planning a conference call for 3:30 Central to discuss their decision to file an appeal to the Minnesota Supreme Court regarding Minnesota’s long-running U.S. Senate race. The appeal isn’t a surprise since Coleman, his attorneys and other Republicans have been saying it would be happen even before the three-judge…
GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann will continue her media blitz this week. Her campaign says she’s scheduled to be on Glenn Beck tonight (4pm Central) and Fox and Friends tomorrow (7:15 Central).
The House Tax bill was released this morning. The plan creates a new top income tax rate of 9 percent for couples who make more than $300,000 a year. Cigarette taxes would also go up 54 cents a pack and alcoholic drinks would be taxed at a rate of 3 to 5 cents per drink.…
The Daily Digest: 4-20-09
The House Tax Committee will release a bill that details which taxes they plan to raise to balance the budget. The bill will be released this morning. The Senate tax bill will be released tomorrow. Lobbyists for local governments will be watching the tax debate closely – and there will be plenty of them. MPR…
DFL Sen. Amy Klobuchar appeared on CNN’s State of the Union this morning. She discussed President Obama’s handshake with Venezuela President Hugo Chavez, Obama’s decision to release the CIA torture memos and the U.S. Senate race. Here’s her take on the Senate race: Well, all right, first of all, I would say this, and that…
Gov. Pawlenty may face a little competition if he decides to run for a third term. Phillip Herwig, of Milaca, filed paperwork with the Campaign Finance Board earlier this week. I’m trying to determine who Herwig is but it appears, however, that he challenged DFL Rep. Jim Oberstar in 1992 and 1994 and got trounced.…
A.B. Culvahouse, John McCain’s VP vetter, talked a little bit about the vetting of VP candidates during a discussion at the Republican National Lawyers Association National Policy Conference about advising presidents and presidential candidates. Culvahouse said he had 26 people on the “long list.” He said they compiled forty to fifty page reports on those…
Gov. Pawlenty is sliding on The Fix’s 10 Republicans to Watch. Pawlenty has fallen two spots on the line. Here’s the synopsis: 9. Tim Pawlenty: T-Paw, the governor of Minnesota, needs to decide sooner rather than later whether he is going to seek a third term or whether he will retire in 2010 to focus…
Gov. Pawlenty is scheduled to be in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday. He’ll be attending two events at the Milken National Education/Teacher Advancement Program Conference. Here are the details: Governor Pawlenty participates in the panel discussion “Effective K-12 Education Reform – Federal, State and Local Roles” at the Milken National Education/Teacher Advancement Program Conference. Other…
Here’s the list of who will be on the weekly local and national public affairs shows. DVR Alert! Amy Klobuchar watchers will want to record CNN’s State of the Union. TPT’s Almanac: GOP Rep. John Kline and DFL Rep. Keith Ellison. The two will discuss their travel abroad (Kline visited Pakistan and Afghanistan. Ellison visited…