Hallberg's Picture of Health

Hallberg's Picture of Health: Teen e-cig use going up
Dr. Jon Hallberg and host Tom Crann discuss the implications of the annual Minnesota Youth Tobacco Survey, which showed that teen smoking has dropped sharply, while e-cigarette use is rising.
Hallberg's Picture of Health: Avoiding physician burnout
A growing elderly population and the demands of the Affordable Care Act are putting new stresses on doctors and contributing to an increase in physician burnout.
Hallberg's Picture of Health: The toll of stress
Host Tom Crann and Dr. Jon Hallberg discuss how stress, in not just large but small doses, adds up to bad health outcomes. The conversation was triggered by a new study on stress by Oregon State University's "Center For Healthy Aging."
Hallberg's Picture of Health: Get your flu shot
New CDC guidelines on flu vaccines occupy host Tom Crann and Dr. Jon Hallberg in this installment. There are new recommendations on flu mist and children, and a higher dosage flu shot and new pneumonia shot for seniors.
Hallberg's Picture of Health: Detecting child abuse
In this episode, what doctors do when confronted with evidence of child abuse. Dr. Jon Hallberg discusses what signs he looks for, who he contacts when he senses something is wrong, and how often he encounters this situation at the clinic.
Hallberg's Picture of Health: Smoking and disease
In this episode, recorded earlier this year, an expanded conversation between host Tom Crann and Dr. Jon Hallberg about a new Surgeon General's report on smoking.
Podcast: Hallberg's Picture of Health, episode 6
Host Tom Crann and Dr. Jon Hallberg review some new recommendations on teens and sleep from the American Academy of Pediatrics. They also discuss the challenge of changing school start times and the impact of sleep deprivation on adolescents.