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Photos: Getting homeless runners on their feet
Members of the running club called Mile in My Shoes aim to reach residents at Higher Ground, a Minneapolis homeless shelter. In early morning runs, they're trying to get homeless men on their feet and literally on the road to a better life.
Blue Mounds bison get a checkup
The bison herd at Blue Mounds State Park were rounded up on Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2014 for their annual physicals — blood tests, branding, and checkup. It's a physically challenging day for everyone involved.
See Iceland's volcanic eruption for the ages
For more than a month, the county's Bardarbunga volcano has been rocked by hundreds of daily tremors. The activity shows no signs of abating.
Crane lifts golden charioteer from state Capitol for repair
The chariot driver from the Quadriga on top of the Minnesota Capitol was lifted away from his four golden horses Tuesday morning for repairs. He is expected to be back in about three months.
Photos: Picking your own makes apples seem a little sweeter
Although it's early in the fall apple season, apple growers are starting to harvest and invite guests to pick a variety of apples on their own. This week, the Aamodt's Apple Farm in Stillwater is open for visitors to pick Sweet Sixteen apples, and visitors took advantage of the good weather.