
Photos: Lake Superior's annual ice-breaking ritual
Every spring, an icy ritual plays out in the Duluth harbor: Coast Guard cutters break open paths through the lake ice, clearing the way for thousand-foot freighters to carry their first cargo of iron ore, coal and grain.
Abandon houseboat? Ice and rising water threaten Latsch Island lifestyle
Some residents of Winona's Latsch Island houseboat community in southeast Minnesota might have to abandon ship. River ice, snowpack and rising waters are threatening to overwhelm some of the houseboats, which residents prefer to call "boathouses."
Photos: Work and play following a March snowstorm in Minnesota
A winter storm brought a messy mix of rain, sleet and wet snow to Minnesota on Saturday. By Sunday morning, the snow was ending and it was time to bring out the shovel, fire up the snowblower — or grab the toboggan.
Photos: In defiance of winter, Duluthians skate the 'People's Rink' on frozen Superior
About a quarter-mile offshore from Duluth's Leif Erikson Park, a hearty band of volunteers has carved a skating rink unlike any other on the frozen surface of Lake Superior.
Gallery: Klobuchar announces 2020 presidential bid
With a snowy Minneapolis skyline serving as a backdrop, U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar announced her 2020 Democratic presidential bid Sunday during an outdoor rally at Boom Island Park.
Photos: Toughing it out in subzero Minnesota
Minnesotans bundled up, jumped cars and basically just tried to keep moving around the past few days as a polar vortex plunged Minnesota into subzero temperatures. You know, could have been worse.