
The shot at glory
Just when you're ready to give up on the news, they rip your heart out with this confound better part of humanity.
First this disclaimer: We here at NewsCut are nothing but appreciative of the work you snowplow drivers do and we acknowledge upfront that the person we're about to tell you about is not representative of your profession.
Closed airport towers a potential ‘calamity?’ Not likely
it's good to keep the dire warnings in perspective and requiring a transportation secretary to explain how closing towers at airports without airline service is going to significant hamper the airline traveling public.
A teacher had students write math problems, the students wrote math problems about slaves, the teacher handed out the problems, and there are some parents -- some parents -- who wonder what the big deal is?
There's something not quite right when a polar bear seems happier in Kansas City than the Northland of Minnesota.
It was 33 years ago…
We may never hear of another coach's speech like the one Herb Brooks gave that afternoon.
The Associated Press Stylebook, the bible from which journalists take their cue for proper wordsmithing, finally acknowledged that a woman can have a wife and a man can have a husband.
Fighting the cost of health care, one shoeshine at a time
In Pittsburgh, a shoeshine man -- Albert Lexie -- has been working in a hospital for children and usually gets tipped a dollar or two. It adds up, especially since he donates the money -- about $200,000 so far -- to the families of sick kids.