Twin Cities

Defense company ATK, based in Minneapolis, has been awarded a $31 million contract for construction work at a defense laboratory in West Virginia.
Straw poll could pave way for top GOP choices
In a straw poll later this week, Minnesota Republican Party delegates may thin the field when they select their top choices from among the nine GOP candidates currently running for governor.
Architects another victim of real estate downturn
The state's architects, victims of the crisis in the real estate industry that you don't hear much about, have seen steeper employment declines than the overall job market. With commercial and residential real estate still suffering, those high-paying architecture jobs may not return anytime soon.
New 35W features opening to relieve congestion
This week, some elements of the huge makeover of I-35W through the Twin Cities, the state's busiest highway, will open to bus riders and drivers even while many portions of the project are still a work in progress.