Twin Cities

One man's effort to keep Minneapolis teens away from crime
Minneapolis has seen 23 homicides so far this year, four more than last year's total. Discussions surrounding this year's uptick in violence frequently revolve around the fate of young black men, who are often the victims and perpetrators of violent crime. One man is making an effort to keep black men from becoming crime statistics.
Youth Radio: Student explains how D2010 helped her
Tiara Bellaphant, who graduated from St. Paul Central High School this week, made it all the way through the Destination 2010 scholarship program. As part of our Youth Radio series, she explains what it was like to be part of the experiment.
More metro area commuters riding the bus
Here's another sliver of evidence the economy is improving. Bus ridership in the Twin Cities is rising again. Metro Transit officials say the economy, more than any other factor -- more than climate change, more than the Gulf oil spill -- affects ridership numbers.