Today's Question Blog

For the second time in a week, a Minnesota high school hockey player has been hospitalized after suffering an injury during a game. Today’s Question: How can we make hockey safer?
Late last year, President Obama signed a defense spending bill that provides for indefinite military detention of anyone suspected of terrorism, including American citizens. The law has sparked widespread criticism from civil-liberties groups and others. Today’s Question: Was President Obama right to allow indefinite detention of citizens without due process?
President Obama laid out his vision Thursday for a leaner military more reliant on sea and air power. While his strategy would be aimed at maintaining overall military superiority, it would no longer require that the United States be prepared to fight two ground wars simultaneously. Today’s Question: What do you think of President Obama’s…
The Mall of America, which turns 20 this year, has been in the news lately due to disruptive young people and the impending loss of Bloomingdale’s, one of its original anchor tenants. Today’s Question: After 20 years, what do you think of the Mall of America?
An Intelligence Squared debate airing on Midday today focuses on whether benefits paid to current retirees are saddling young people with too much future debt. Today’s Question: Do entitlement programs unfairly favor the old over the young?
It’s the day of the Iowa caucuses, where voters will finally begin to get their say in the race for the GOP presidential nomination. Today’s Question: Who would you like to see emerge as the winner in the Iowa caucuses?
We’re just two days from the end of 2011. Today’s Question: In six words, how would you describe 2011? (Inspired by SMITH Magazine’s Six-Word Memoir project and book series .)
A conversation today on Midmorning looks at the potential drawbacks of the increasingly prominent role that social media play in our lives. Today’s Question: Do you trust information from social media any more or less than information from traditional media?