Today's Question Blog

Minnesota law allows people to use deadly force to defend themselves if they feel threatened in their home. Now a proposed expansion of that law would extend the same right to people in a car, tent, boat and other places. Today’s Question: When would you be willing to use deadly force?
A civic group called Walk Denver is working to improve that city’s friendliness toward pedestrians. It wants Denver to qualify as a “Walk Friendly Community,” a status that Minneapolis already has. Today’s Question: What’s it like to walk where you live?
Apple is trying to resolve concerns about worker conditions at its overseas manufacturing plants. The company has invited the Fair labor Association to review conditions at the plants in China that assemble iPads and iPhones. Today’s Question: Do you concern yourself with conditions at plants that make your consumer products?
Gov. Mark Dayton will deliver his State of the State address tonight before a joint session of the Minnesota Legislature. Today’s Question: In your view, what’s the state of the state?
In defending President Obama’s proposed budget for 2013, Chief of Staff Jacob Lew said “the American people should be pleased that we now have a recovery that’s taking root.” Today’s Question: Do you see signs that a recovery is taking root?
The past several weeks have seen a political uproar over birth control. President Obama announced and then modified rules that would have required religious employers to include birth control in their health plans. Today’s Question: What do you think of rules that make free birth control a mandatory part of health care coverage?
A constitutional amendment requiring Minnesotans to show a photo ID when they vote could be on the ballot this fall. Backers say it will cut voter fraud. Detractors say it could keep more than 200,000 Minnesotans from the polls. Today’s question: Where do you stand on requiring Minnesotans to produce a photo ID to vote?