Today's Question Blog

Thursday evening, Mitt Romney accepted the Republican nomination for president with a speech that was anticipated as the most important of his political career. Today’s Question: What did you think of Mitt Romney’s acceptance speech?
Some members of the Minnesota delegation to the Republican National Convention have complained about their treatment in Tampa. They say rules are being rigged against insurgent candidates like Ron Paul, who most of them voted for. Today’s Question: Is there enough room for dissent at political conventions?
Both the Minnesota Orchestra and the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra are facing large deficits, and both are in the middle of difficult contract talks with their musicians. Today’s Question: Can the Twin Cities support two professional orchestras?
The Republican National Convention is compressing its activities into a shorter time because of the weather, and the television networks are offering only limited coverage of its proceedings. Meanwhile, the party’s nominee for vice president has been known for weeks, and its presidential choice for much longer. There has been even less suspense on the…
A Coon Rapids woman was convicted last week on charges related to a road rage case. An Anoka County jury found that the defendant had pointed a gun at a motorist who honked at her. Today’s Question: Have you felt personally threatened during an incident of road rage?
President Obama and his Republican challenger, former Gov. Mitt Romney, have been getting roughly equally negative treatment in the press, according to a new study. The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism finds that about 71 percent of the coverage of Romney’s character has been unfavorable, compared with 72 percent for Obama. Today’s…
The Minnesota State Fair plans to keep its pig exhibits open this year, despite concerns about the possibility of a swine flu outbreak. Former state epidemiologist Michael Osterholm has warned that a current flu strain is being spread from pigs to people, and he urges that the fair’s swine barn be closed. Fair managers plan…
Hubert Joly has been named CEO of Best Buy Co., the consumer electronics giant. Best Buy has been struggling to regain its footing in a retail market increasingly dominated by online shopping. Today’s Question: As consumers’ shopping habits change, what retailer seems to be getting it right?
Unpaid interns at Fox Searchlight have filed a suit over their work at the film distributor, claiming violations of employment law. Similar complaints have been made against other media companies. Today’s Question: Who benefits the most from an unpaid internship?