Today's Question Blog

Vice President Joe Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan met in their only head-to-head debate before the election. Today’s Question: What did you think of the Biden-Ryan debate?
Vice President Joe Biden and his Republican challenger, Rep. Paul Ryan, meet tonight in their only face-to-face debate of the campaign. Today’s Question: How much do running mates matter in deciding your vote for president?
Rhetoric during this campaign season has often turned to the national debt and the annual budget deficit. Some blame the problem on the generation now nearing retirement, arguing that baby boomers have lived well and irresponsibly at the expense of younger people. Today’s Question: Is it fair to blame the national debt on any particular…
Figures released Friday showed that the unemployment rate in September dropped to 7.8 percent. It was the lowest unemployment rate since President Obama took office in January 2009. Today’s Question: How does the decline in unemployment affect your view of the presidential contest?
For some of those running the Twin Cities Marathon this weekend, the race will be the fulfillment of a goal that once seemed unattainable. Today’s Question: What long-term goal have you pushed yourself to reach?
The White House announced Monday that it was giving the Southwest light rail project fast-track status, a move that was expected to shorten the project’s schedule by several months. The announcement said the project will improve access to transit in the Twin Cities area. Today’s Question: What do you think of the transit options available…