Today's Question Blog

According to Christian tradition, the birth of Jesus was announced by angels who proclaimed a message of peace on earth. Today’s Question: Is peace on earth possible?
A state lawmaker plans to introduce legislation that would allow teachers to carry guns in Minnesota schools. Rep. Tony Cornish says arming staff members would help prevent attacks like the Sandy Hook shootings in Connecticut. (The NRA on Friday proposed posting armed guards in schools.) Today’s Question: What do you think of allowing teachers to…
After its initial silence following the Connecticut school shootings, the National Rifle Association has announced that it will hold a press conference on Friday and “offer meaningful contributions to help make sure this never happens again.” Today’s Question: What would you like to hear from the NRA?
Some users reacted angrily Tuesday to the news that the photo-sharing service Instagram was changing its terms of service to give it the right to use images commercially without compensating the photographers who took them; Instagram now says it is not claiming any ownership rights to users’ photos. Today’s Question: What do you think of…
Parents and teachers around the country have had to make difficult judgment calls on how and whether to discuss the Connecticut school shootings with children in their care. Today’s Question: How are you talking to children about the school shootings in Connecticut?
In an editorial posted within hours of Friday’s shootings, the Hartford Courant concluded: “… this much is certain, attested to by the Newtown school shooting: It is far too easy in America for a sick mind to find a gun and use it.” President Obama suggested over the weekend that he intends to address gun…
Currently, it’s legal to buy pop, chips and cookies using food stamps under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. But increasingly, public health experts concerned about obesity are raising questions about that policy, pitting them against longtime allies in the hunger prevention community. Today’s Question: Should food stamp recipients be allowed to use their benefits to…
U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison is among a group of congressmen who are suing to halt the use of the filibuster in the Senate. Ellison argues that the filibuster, under Senate rules, improperly blocks legislation that the House has voted on. Today’s Question: Should the filibuster be changed, and how?
A small asteroid came relatively close to Earth on Tuesday, and a larger one is passing by at a greater distance today. Yesterday’s asteroid was discovered only just before the encounter. Today’s Question: If an asteroid were to strike Earth within an hour, would you want to know? (h/t: Bob Collins, Newscut.)