Today's Question Blog

A judge’s order yesterday specified that only “critical core functions” of state government would continue during a shutdown. That shutdown, if it happens, is now only hours away. Today’s Question: How would a state government shutdown affect you?
A potential state government shutdown is now just two days away. The Democratic governor and Republican leaders in the Legislature blame each other for the lack of a budget deal. Today’s Question: If the state government shuts down, who will you hold responsible?
Legislators and the governor continue to negotiate on the state budget, but time is running out. A possible state government shutdown is just three days away. Today’s Question: What’s your solution to the state budget impasse?
Jose Antonio Vargas, a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist, revealed last weekend that he is an undocumented immigrant who arrived in the United States as a child. Today’s Question: How should the United States handle long-term undocumented residents?
Last night, President Obama announced an Afghanistan strategy that reduces troop strength faster than some in his administration would like. Today’s Question: What do you think of the president’s plan for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan?
The federal government has released nine graphic warning labels it will require on packages of cigarettes beginning next year. The labels include images of damaged lungs and a dead body. Today’s Question: What’s the best way to discourage smoking?
A two-year project to promote telecommuting and other flexible work environments has found substantial benefits from such arrangements. Today’s Question: What are the pros and cons of working from home?
Today’s “Midmorning” looks at a controversy surrounding fiction for young adults. Critics say too much of it is dark, disturbing and violent. Today’s Question: Should books cater to a taste for violence, if that’s what teens want to read?