The Cities Blog

Zombie Pub Crawl exhumed from West Bank
The annual event of intoxicated undead is crawling over to the Warehouse District this year. Organizers are also piecing together their first zombie pub crawl in another city this October.
A jerky replica of a national monument: Meat Rushmore
Meatheads tied to Minneapolis and Mankato, Minnesota, are displayed in New York City today. Mayor Betsy Hodges has proclaimed June 12 Jack Link’s Jerky Day in Minneapolis, coinciding with National Jerky Day. So did the mayor of Mankato, Eric Anderson. In celebration of the day, Jack Link’s created Meat Rushmore: a 13-foot tall and 17-foot…
As groups of mostly young men in Texas attract news coverage in the Lone Star state and across the country for carrying rifles on their backs into retail stores like Target and restaurants, it’s unlikely you’ll see the same types of demonstrations in Minnesota.  Under Minnesota state law, people with permits to carry hand guns…
In the month since Minneapolis lifted its moratorium on new home construction in five southwest neighborhoods, the city has issued 13 permits to tear down old houses, build new ones or undertake major renovation projects in the area. The new projects will be subject to a “construction management agreement” designed to ensure builders obey city…