The Cities Blog

For fringe candidates, it’s about the principle
One dresses like a pirate, while another runs with the Pirate Party. Ten are running as DFLers, but none with the party’s endorsement. An eclectic pool of 35 candidates is vying to be Minneapolis’ next mayor, but only eight are waging the most active campaigns — spending money and getting invited to debates. Most candidates Read more →
Creating a Halloween wonderland
Some people put out pumpkins for Halloween. James Broden prefers zombie babies (the plastic kind, of course). For the past six years, James has transformed his front yard into a holiday wonderland — complete with killer motorcycle clowns and rubber rats dining on a deer carcass. It’s the kind of thing that makes you stop Read more →
Northside Achievement Zone enrolls 500th family
A program that aims to close the academic achievement gap in Minneapolis and put economically disadvantaged children on a path to college is celebrating a milestone today. The Northside Achievement Zone — which provides a variety of social and educational services in a 13- by 18-block area of north Minneapolis, has enrolled its 500th family. Read more →
Mark Andrew far ahead in Minneapolis mayoral money race
Minneapolis mayoral candidate Mark Andrew and a political action committee backing him have together raised $200,000 more than any other campaign. Coalition for a Better Minneapolis, an independent PAC running T.V. ads and sending mail promoting Andrew’s candidacy, reported raising $136,500 in campaign finance documents filed today. In a campaign document released Monday, Andrews reported Read more →
Star Tribune endorses Hodges, spurns Andrew
Betsy Hodges’ campaign for Minneapolis mayor received a boost today from the city’s daily paper. The Star Tribune endorsed Hodges as its first choice in the crowded, 35-candidate field. The paper applauded her work on the city’s budget and her willingness to challenge powerful police and firefighter unions on pension issues. “I couldn’t have predicted Read more →
What’s the history behind passenger trains at the Union Depot?
A question about the history of Amtrak passenger trains in the Twin Cities surfaced this week after we published a story about the trains moving from their Midway station in St. Paul to the St. Paul Union Depot later this year. Did Amtrak’s Empire Builder train ever use the St. Paul Union Depot station? Now, Read more →