The Cities Blog

As the state prepares for what could be record flooding, Minnesota’s entire congressional delegation is pressing the Federal Emergency Management Agency to take immediate steps to facilitate a timely response to any flood damage. The delegation sent a letter to FEMA urging the agency to plan, prepare, and coordinate flood protection efforts in advance of…
Minnesota state geologist Harvey Thorleifson’s theory goes like this: Diamonds are being mined in Canada. The geologic structure holding the precious stones is similar to Minnesota’s. He posits the odds are fifty-fifty of finding the formations in Minnesota where diamonds reside. One of the possible locations is right here in the Twin Cities. Before you…
Ever wonder where your underwear came from?
Find out at the Minnesota History Center’s new Underwear: A Brief History exhibit. Here’s more, from MHS: See the kinds of underpinnings worn by generations past, from 1920s flappers to 1970s modsters. The Minnesota Historical Society holds in its collection the business records, including product samples, of Munsingwear, Inc. View items from the collection including…
The Minnesota National Guard has released some interesting data on the troops deploying to Kuwait later this summer: DV.load(‘’, { width: 500, height: 550, sidebar: false, container: “#DV-viewer-73468-mnarng-1-34bct-deployment-information-v2” });
Twin Cities residents may get frequent offers from their banks and credit card companies to sign up for fee-based identity protection services. But the Twin Cities (and Minnesota overall) are not hot spots for identity theft and other types of fraud, according to the Federal Trade Commission. I wrote last week about some of those…