
Flying a hot air balloon can be a time consuming and expensive hobby. The colorful balloons cost tens of thousands of dollars. You can only fly when the weather is good, and you go where the wind takes you. But for a Fargo attorney it's an avocation that's allowed him to meet interesting people around the world.
Later this week, about 30 vintage airplanes from the 1920s and '30s will be roaring in the skies above the Twin Cities. Celebrating that time, known as the Golden Age of aviation, is the point behind the 2003 National Air Tour which comes through the Anoka County Airport on Wednesday. About 30 vintage airplanes are being flown on the tour, which begins in Detroit, Michigan. They'll make their way through Illinois, Wisconsin, and arrive at the Anoka County Airport on Wednesday.
The lack of rain means regular watering is a must for lawns and outdoor plants. Midmorning's garden guru, Deb Brown has more tips for late summer growing.
The bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark expedition will be celebrated over the next two years. The explorers traveled through the Dakotas on their way to the Pacific Northwest. The states along the route are hoping to cash in on tourists following the Lewis and Clark trail.
Anglers in Minnesota have plenty of tales about the fish they caught. They probably have many more about the ones they didn't. But for some, the memories are not hooking a fish, but how they hooked themselves. Most times getting stuck with a fish hook is a minor nuisance, but it can mean a trip to the emergency room. In the central Minnesota town of Alexandria, people in the ER have found a creative way to keep track of fish hook incidents.
Deep-fried Twinkies joined deep-fried candy bars on the State Fair's roster of fattening, tempting foods this year. Katherine Lanpher, Lynne Rossetto Kasper and restaurant critic Rick Nelson conduct the annual Midmorning Fair food tasting.
Tips for buying corn and other delights of the farmer's market as Midmorning broadcasts from the Minnesota State Fair.
Since the early 1990s, the Minnesota State Fair has been actively working to improve accessibility for people who have disabilities. That means updating some old buildings, and providing many new services. Morning Edition host Cathy Wurzer toured the fair recently with an eye toward accessibility.
The sport known as geocaching combines high-tech gadgetry with the ancient lure of treasure hunting. Geocachers use hand-held global positioning satellites, or GPS units, to search for objects hidden by other geocachers, who post the GPS coordinates and other hints on the Internet.
One of the country's most popular skateboarders helped promote a Minnesota-based builder of skate parks during a demonstration at the Minnesota State Fair.