
The U.S. Census Bureau has taken a statistical snapshot of the health and wealth of the American people every year since 1878. This year we're much more dependent on cell phones and we're buying fewer music CDs than in the past. Photo by Scott Barbour/Getty Images
A relatively warm fall may have lulled some into putting off bulb planting. Midmorning's Garden Guru has tips on planting bulbs indoors and caring for holiday plants.
Today's video games are a far cry from Pacman, Pong or Super Mario Brothers. In many of the most popular games, players fight and shoot their ways through virtual worlds, steal cars and even have sex with prostitutes. The National Institute on Media and the Family released its annual "Video Game Report Card" last week, and it did not give the video game industry very high marks for the ratings system it uses. It also accused video games of all kinds for contributing to the obesity epidemic amongst America's youth.
Appearing as "The Movie Maven," on MPR's Midday, MPR's Stephanie Curtis listed her favorite movies about families and for families. Here is her list.
Like your Thanksgiving feast, Giving Thanks combines traditional fare with unexpected delights. With Thanksgiving music and stories, this special from Minnesota Public Radio's John Birge and American Public Media offers reflection on the meaning of the holiday.
People who celebrate Thanksgiving often do it with their families, but family get-togethers aren't always harmonious. For some people they can be a major source of stress. What are the roots of family conflict, and what's the best way to deal with it?
It's time again for Midmorning to come to the aid of all who struggle with preparing the Thanksgiving feast. Splendid Table host Lynne Rossetto Kasper lends her expertise.
Clint Harris is the new director of the Minnesota State Lottery. The former head of South Dakota's lottery is known for his knowledge of electronic gambling. Midmorning takes a look at what may be in store for our state's lottery landscape.
With energy costs expected to be higher this winter than last, sealing your house or apartment against the elements will help save money. A home improvement expert offers tips about how to get your house ready for the cold weather and answers listener questions about home maintenance and repair.