
Ye olde book sales declining
The latest book sensation, a young adult series on teen vampires may help some booksellers, but the industry overall is seeing a decline in the book-buying population. Two observers of the book industry over the decades look at all the factors changing the book industry.
New Minnesota law prohibits texting while driving
Starting today, it is illegal in Minnesota to text message, e-mail, or access the Web on a wireless device while driving. The new law is a primary offense, so law enforcement can stop vehicles if they see drivers breaking the law.
Eric Thomas placed second overall in the 2008 Singlehanded TransPacific Yacht Race. He sailed alone from San Francisco Bay to the Hawaiian Island of Kauai, covering more than 2000 miles.
To remember with a monument
Midmorning examines the psychological and political reasons for creating a memorial. We'll also discuss how artists influence the way we commemorate our public tragedies and triumphs.
The problem of political sameness
Soon lawn signs for presidential and senate candidates among others will sprout on lawns. And you might notice a certain uniformity in the party affiliations in your neighborhood. That uniformity is not completely accidental and might hurt our political process, argues author Bill Bishop.
As gas prices rise, gas tax revenues fall
The high price of gasoline isn't just putting a dent in consumers' pocketbooks -- it could also lead to some belt-tightening at the state Department of Transportation.
August in Minnesota is comfortably ordinary
August begins later this week. And with the Olympics in China and the Democratic convention in Denver, it promises to be a big, busy, noisy month.