
Cell phones and the hazards of driving while chatting
Despite study after study indicating talking and texting on cell phones while driving causes crashes, few state governments seem willing to outlaw it. Two scientists who study distraction talk about how your brain really isn't that suited to multi-tasking, and what the cost can be when one of those tasks is driving.
A new search engine in town
Software giants Microsoft and Yahoo just made a 10-year deal to join forces in taking on Google with their own search engine called "Bing." What will the new option mean for the average user when most people prefer Google?
Unsolved mysteries of anthropology
Forensic anthropologist Doug Owsley has investigated mysteries of the dead -- from the early colonists in Virginia to soldiers in the Civil War, to unsolved, present-day murders.
Tough times for entrepreneurs
The recession and the resulting credit crunch have formed a 1-2 punch for many entrepreneurs, but some say a down economy can be a great time to launch an entrepreneurial career. Midmorning looks at the risks and rewards for people looking to start their own venture.
On betrayal and renewal
A woman loses her husband suddenly and discovers only after his death that he has been unfaithful several times during their long marriage. Julie Metz attempts to understand his infidelity and risky behavior by confronting his mistresses, while building a new life for herself and her daughter.
Midmorning Weekend: What If?
Midmorning Weekend revisits some of the best recent conversations from the daily call-in program.