
Gear Junkie on summer adventures
The Gear Junkie, Stephen Regenold, joins Midday to talk about his latest global adventures, outdoor expeditions, conditioning, equipment and clothing for outdoor activities.
Tall ships sail into Duluth harbor
More than 100,000 visitors are expected to flock into Duluth this weekend for the festival, likely to be the city's biggest summer attraction. It opens today with a grand arrival of all nine.
Midmorning discusses what happens when good neighbors go bad, how to prevent conflict, and how to work through neighbor disputes. Whether it's noise, garbage, wayward pets or boundary issues, the problems that arise when neighbors don't agree can prompt surveillance, retaliation, and even escalate into violent confrontation.
An old dog's personality shines through
Have you noticed these warm, moonlit summer nights? They bring out something timeless and eternal in just about everyone -- including a certain old dog in essayist Peter Smith's neighborhood.
Duluth prepares for tall ships festival
The city of Duluth is preparing for big crowds this week as nine tall ships from across North America and Europe sail into the harbor, bringing a piece of sailing history to the Twin Ports.
1974: Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce
McDonalds brings competition to the kitchen. In this 1974 Minnesota Public Radio story, reporter Greg Barron tells us about a national competition to be the best McDonalds worker.
Daring young women build a flying machine for Flugtag
About 40,000 spectators are expected to watch the Red Bull Flugtag competition going on this afternoon on Harriet Island in St. Paul. Teams build their own flying machines in hopes of winning. We see how one team, the Chicks on a Stick, have been preparing for the competition.