
A view from above
As fall colors set in, we take a ride high above Minnesota to take a bird's-eye view of the seasonal change.
MPR's Marianne Combs explores chocolate's rich history and modern industrial reality with exhibition developer Gretchen Baker and local chocolatier B.T. McElrath.
Recent research on distracted driving shows that laws against texting and cell phone use may not have any effect. Midmorning asks why we're tempted to make risky decisions instead of doing the right thing.
As Minnesota duck hunters prepare for Saturday's season opener, safety experts are reminding them to pack something that could save their lives.
If music is a language, its lyrics are flying in the face of the rules of English grammar. Midmorning explores the grammatical slip-ups that make popular music great, but still irk the experts.
Ideas From Aspen: Living Digitally
Twitter, smart phones, iPads. What's next in the digital revolution, and how is technology reshaping our lives? Marketplace Host Kai Ryssdal talks with some of the brains behind the tech revolution. Ryssdal presents highlights from the 2010 Aspen Ideas Festival conversations about living digitally.