Middle East

The war and humanitarian crisis in Gaza directly impacts many Minnesotans. And while MPR News does not have journalists stationed in the region, we do have a responsibility to our audiences to report on how this ongoing conflict affects people here. Our goal is to provide MPR News audiences with a variety of perspectives, context and factual information. We are committed to using language that is as precise as possible.

As you will see here, the majority of the coverage on our air and our website is provided by our national and international news partners, NPR and the BBC. The language and terminology used to describe the conflict are changing. If you have questions or concerns about our coverage please reach out to us.

Investment firms named in U of M disclosure, divestment supporters request increased transparency
The University of Minnesota shared additional investment fund information in response to student coalition demands. The list of investment funds totals more than $518 million. Some students have concerns. 
Minnesota’s top elected officials hear calls for divestment at state board meeting
Protesters seeking to have the state of Minnesota end any investments in Israeli companies and weapons manufacturers had a chance to directly address the state’s top elected officials on Tuesday.
Carleton College students face disciplinary action after pro-Palestinian occupation
Twelve Carleton students are facing disciplinary action after they remained in Laird Hall, a campus building, during a protest occupation. The students were demanding the university divest from companies manufacturing weapons being used in the war in Gaza.
Rafah is running out of food, even as the U.S. pier starts operating in Gaza
The first trucks of aid entered Gaza via a pier built by the U.S. But it’s challenging to move aid around Gaza, and humanitarian groups operating in Rafah warn they don’t have food to distribute.
U.S. military says aid is now being delivered into Gaza over a floating pier
The shipment is the first in an operation that U.S. military officials anticipate could scale up to 150 truckloads a day entering the Gaza Strip as Israel presses in on the southern city of Rafah.
How Israel's military investigates itself in cases of possible wrongdoing
Since last October, complaints have included Israeli soldiers firing on unarmed Palestinian refugees and the killing of World Central Kitchen aid workers when Israeli drones fired on their convoy.
Trapped in Rafah, U.S. medical volunteers say they can’t save lives and can’t evacuate
At the European Hospital in Rafah, there are shortages of pain medication, antibiotics, even bandages, American volunteers say they are unable to save lives — and unable to evacuate to safety.