
Biden hits Russia with sanctions, shifts troops to Germany
President Joe Biden has hit back against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, unleashing robust new sanctions, ordering the deployment of thousands of additional troops to NATO ally Germany, and declaring that America will stand up to Russia’s Vladimir Putin.
Minnesotans with ties to Ukraine feel anxiety, anger over Russian attack
Minnesotans with family ties to Ukraine spent the hours after Russia's invasion of the country working to reach their loved ones. Elected officials across Minnesota’s political spectrum called for a sharp and unified response.
World expresses outrage, plans stronger Russia sanctions
World leaders are reacting to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with raw outrage and vows of unprecedented sanctions that shroud a sense of powerlessness to defend Ukraine militarily without running the risk of a wider war in Europe.
Emergency U.N. meeting is interrupted by Russia's invasion of Ukraine
The urgent U.N. Security Council meeting was meant as an eleventh hour effort to dissuade Russia from sending troops into Ukraine. But the message became moot even as it was being delivered.
Russia invades Ukraine on many fronts in 'brutal act of war'
Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, unleashing airstrikes on cities and military bases and sending in troops and tanks from three sides in an attack that could rewrite the post-Cold War security order.