Mental Health

A collection of mental health news and resources.

Mental health advocates in Minnesota are pushing a range of bills in the Legislature this year, including eliminating the use of solitary confinement in prison and making sure insurers cover mental health care and physical health care equally.
To get mental health help for a child, desperate parents relinquish custody
Doctors told Toni and Jim Hoy their young son needed intensive, specialized care away from home — institutional services that cost at least $100,000 a year. Insurance wouldn't cover the cost.
St. Paul police expanding new mental health unit
The St. Paul Police Department deals with thousands of expensive calls related to mental health problems. They're expanding its mental health unit to help deal with calls that are not crisis level.
A new way to get college students through a psychiatric crisis — and back to school
A partnership between a mental health care provider and colleges is redefining emergency mental health care on campus — helping students get needed care without losing track of their academic goals.