
Teen vaping soared in 2018
A dramatic increase in vaping among high school students is the largest yearly change ever seen in a long-running survey tracking substance use and abuse by teens.
Ruling to strike down health-care law puts GOP in a quandary
While the decision by the federal judge in Texas was sweeping, it has little immediate practical impact because the ACA remains in place while the legal battle continues, possibly to the Supreme Court.
ACA sign-ups have lagged for 2019. But what does that mean?
The pace of enrollment in Affordable Care Act plans is slower than in past years. That could mean fewer people will have health coverage — or that more people are getting insurance via their work.
The U.S. surgeon general has called on "bystanders" to be equipped with the opioid reversal drug to save lives. But when a nurse answered that call, her application for life insurance was denied. Why?