Religion and Faith

Pope, visiting Ireland, vows to end cover-up of clergy sex abuse
Pope Francis declared Saturday as he arrived in Ireland that he shares the outrage of rank-and-file Catholics over the cover-up of the "repugnant crimes" of priests who raped and molested children, and vowed that he was committed to ending the "scourge."
Clergy abuse victims' lawyer calls for Pennsylvania-style grand jury report in Minnesota
Jeff Anderson, who has sued the Catholic church multiple times over clergy sex abuse, is calling on the state to impanel a grand jury to investigate all of the dioceses in Minnesota.
Pope's letter addressing abuse gets mixed reaction in Twin Cities
Pope Francis' letter Monday condemning clergy sexual abuse drew a mixed reaction in the Twin Cities. Archbishop Bernard Hebda praised the pope's words, but abuse victims said they want decisive actions, not more talk of healing.
Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on leadership and peace
Former UN Secretary-General and 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan says the characteristics of good leaders are judgment, discipline, compassion, a keen sense of what's right and wrong, concern about community and a dedication to service.
Over 2 million Muslims begin annual hajj pilgrimage
More than 2 million Muslims began the annual hajj pilgrimage at first light on Sunday in Saudi Arabia, circling the cube-shaped Kaaba in Mecca that Islam's faithful face five times each day during their prayers.