Religion and Faith

The Kerri Miller Book Club: 'Moral Man and Immoral Society'
Reinhold Niebuhr was one of the most influential, and controversial, theologians and political theorists of the 20th Century. President Obama has called him his favorite philosopher. Two scholars discuss the essence of Niebuhr's philosophy and the book, "Moral Man and Immoral Society."
Michael Sandel takes the abstract notion of justice and applies it to the debates over Wall Street pay raises, appropriate punishment for crimes, and whether lives should be sacrificed during a terrorist attack.
Theologian Harvey Cox at the Westminster Town Hall Forum
Harvey Cox, Jr., a Baptist minister and retired Harvard University professor, speaks live at the Westminster Town Hall Forum in Minneapolis. Cox is the author of the new book, "The Future of Faith."
Peace puppets get to the heart of theater's mission
The story of a simple monk trying to promote peace during the Vietnam war might seem an unlikely subject for a puppet show. Yet the performers in "A Path Home" at the In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theater say in many ways their show gets to the very roots of what they do as an organization.
Harold Kushner offers advice on conquering fear
Rabbi Harold Kushner, Rabbi Laureate of Temple Israel in Natick, Massachusetts, speaks about his new book, "Conquering Fear: Living Boldly in an Uncertain World."