Religion and Faith

Pope ramps up charity office to be near poor, sick
Pope Francis is still providing one-on-one doses of emergency assistance to the poor, sick and aged through a trusted archbishop. Konrad Krajewski is the Vatican Almoner, a centuries-old job of handing out alms -- and Francis has ramped up the job to make it a hands-on extension of his own personal charity.
Church document flagged Huberty for misconduct a decade ago
The archdiocese flagged the Rev. Mark Huberty in an internal document a decade ago for sexual misconduct -- but top officials said this fall that they didn't know about his sexual misconduct until this year. Huberty was charged earlier this month with criminal sexual conduct for an alleged sexual relationship with a woman under his pastoral care.
According to the charges, Rev. Mark Huberty inappropriately touched a woman under his spiritual care. They later engaged in other sexual activity over several months in the woman's Maplewood home, at the church and in Huberty's car.
MPR News wants to hear from parishioners about how your giving has changed, if at all, in light of the investigation into clergy misconduct within the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. Please share your insights here.
After 17 years as a priest, Thomas Groome decided that celibacy was "not life-giving" and left the church to get married. He remains a devout Catholic and professor of theology and talks with host Rachel Martin about how having a family has enriched his faith.
Pastor of Oakdale Catholic church accepted $120,000 check from elderly parishioner
The Maplewood Police Department recently closed an investigation into the Rev. Rodger Bauman, an Oakdale priest who accepted a $120,000 check from a 99-year-old former parishioner. Bauman has maintained all along that the money was a gift. He eventually returned it.