Religion and Faith

Al-Shabab recruiting video shows a fake Minnesota airline boarding pass
Extremist group al-Shabaab released a video in English this week that calls for supporters to carry out a "lone-wolf mission" of terrorism or travel to Somalia to join the terrorist group. The video closes with a mock-up of an airplane boarding pass showing Minnesota as the point of origin and the slogan, "Next flight to Mogadishu the only one missing is you."
The Catholic Services Appeal Foundation asked priests in the May 2 letter to boost fundraising at parishes, but said the effort remains on track compared to the same period last year.
United Church Of Christ challenges N.C. ban on same-sex marriage
The United Church of Christ is joining the national debate on the future of gay marriage in a novel way: The church filed a lawsuit on Monday challenging North Carolina's ban on same-sex marriage, saying Amendment One violates the church's constitutional guarantee to freedom of religion.
Crowds jam St. Peter's for historic day of four popes
Hundreds of thousands of people filled St. Peter's Square and the streets of Rome on Sunday to witness the extraordinary sight of two popes -- one reigning and one retired -- declaring two of their predecessors as saints. The ceremony was the first time two pontiffs -- John XXIII and John Paul II -- were made saints at the same time.
Saint who? John XXIII overshadowed by John Paul II
Catholics have known for years that Pope John Paul II was destined for sainthood, but many aren't so familiar with John XXIII, who also will be canonized on Sunday.
Video: Former church official disputes archbishop's clergy abuse testimony
For nearly three decades in various roles throughout the archdiocese, the Rev. Kevin McDonough assured parishioners in dozens of interviews and personal conversations that the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis was a national leader in fighting abuse.