Religion and Faith

Ramadan: An alternate view
Ramadan, when Muslims around the world observe their faith by fasting from sunrise to sunset, abstain from impure thoughts, read the Koran, pray, and think of God, ends on July 29. Getty photojournalist Dan Kitwood offers this alternate view of Ramadan, at a mosque in London, in black and white images created and edited on a smartphone.
Former priest's improprieties detailed in new document release
The documents are part of a massive lawsuit filed by a man who says he was sexually abused by the Rev. Thomas Adamson in the 1970s. The man has accused the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis and the Diocese of Winona of creating a public nuisance by keeping information on abusive priests secret.
The Muslim holy month of Ramadan coincides with the heat of summer this year. How are the faithful handling the daily fasting as the temperatures reach the 90s?
Betrayed by Silence: An investigation in four chapters
A detailed exploration of the roots of the clergy sex abuse scandal in the Twin Cities -- in documents, audio, photos and video -- from the cover-up tactics that Archbishop Harry Flynn fine-tuned in the bayous of southern Louisiana to the secrets kept in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Muslims and atheists least liked in the US
Late last week, the Pew Research And Public Life Project dropped a fascinating new survey on. The pollsters used a "thermometer" that went up to 100 for respondents to plot just how warmly they felt toward different communities. They deemed a rating of more than 50 as positive, while a rating of less than 50 was deemed negative.
Democratic effort to overturn Hobby Lobby ruling fails
A Democratic effort to overturn the Supreme Court's recent ruling on contraceptive coverage failed in the Senate on Wednesday. Bill sponsors fell four votes short of the 60 votes needed to cut off debate on the measure.
Under oath, whistleblower challenges Archbishop Nienstedt over abuse testimony
In her sworn statement, the former archdiocese chancellor also accused top church leaders of a "cavalier attitude" towards the safety of children, and contradicted sworn testimony by former top church deputies Peter Laird and Kevin McDonough and archdiocese attorney Andrew Eisenzimmer.