Religion and Faith

Minnesotans embrace Pope Francis' statement on climate change
Pope Francis called for people to reduce waste, switch to cleaner forms of energy and redefine progress and development. Minnesota Catholics say the challenge will be converting his words to action.
'Mother Emanuel' church suffers a new loss in Charleston
The church that was the scene of Wednesday's mass shooting has survived a string of challenges, from racism to an earthquake. Emanuel took its current name at the end of the Civil War.
What Pope Francis' statement on climate change says about faith
The Pope released his encyclical on climate change, a much anticipated and leaked document that connects the warming climate with human activity and criticizes global capitalism's indiscriminate use of natural resources.
'What is an encyclical?' and more questions about the Pope's environmental teaching
Pope Francis released his much-anticipated teaching document on the environment Thursday, declaring an urgent need for the political and spiritual conversion of global leaders and individuals to dedicate themselves to curbing climate change and ending policies and personal habits that destroy creation.