MPR News with Angela Davis

Ensuring secure elections and engaging voters of all ages

early voting sign outside a polling place
A sign outside the Ramsey County Elections Office in St. Paul indicates early voting started on Sept. 20.
Clay Masters | MPR News

According to the latest MPR News/KARE 11/Star Tribune Minnesota Poll, nearly 80 percent of voters surveyed have high to moderate confidence of an accurate vote count. 

However, despite that confidence, only half believe voting by mail-in absentee ballot in Minnesota has adequate protections against significant levels of fraud. 

MPR News host Angela Davis talks with her guests about how elections officials keep our elections secure and what they do to engage voters of all ages. 

three women smiling in a broadcast studio
MPR News host Angela Davis (left) talks with Caryn Scheel (center), Youth Engagement Coordinator for Elections & Voter Services for the city of Minneapolis, and Michelle Witte (right), Executive Director of the League of Women Voters of Minnesota, in an MPR News studio in St. Paul on Thursday.
Nikhil Kumaran | MPR


Voter resources

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