Ask a bookseller

Ask a Bookseller: ‘Star Bringer’ by Tracy Wolff and Nina Croft

Ask a Bookseller Podcast

On The Thread’s Ask a Bookseller series, we talk to independent booksellers all over the country to find out what books they’re most excited about right now. 

Emily Sands of the Williams Bookstore in Williamstown, Mass., recommends a sci-fi/fantasy quest to keep you company this summer. It’s called “Star Bringer” by Tracy Wolf and Nina Croft.

Book cover
"Star Bringer" by Tracy Wolff and Nina Croft
Red Tower Books

The voice-driven novel is marketed as “Firefly” meets “The Breakfast Club,” and Emily says that description is spot-on. 

Here’s the deal: The sun is dying — quickly — and no one knows why.  

At first glance, the story gives off “Dungeons and Dragons” vibes, in the sense that it draws together a sheltered princess, a high priestess who believes she’s part of a prophecy, an escaped rebel prisoner and some grumpy soldiers on a quest.

They find themselves aboard a fall-apart spaceship, having escaped an interplanetary conference. Where should they go? Can they trust each other? Conflicting personalities, ulterior motives, and an LGBTQ+ romance all come together for a quick, entertaining read, says Emily.