MPR News with Angela Davis

Inside the classroom: Early-career teachers and paraprofessionals

Three women pose to get their portrait taken
Jordan Biros (left) and Khadra Ali (center) are first-grade teachers at Highwood Hills Elementary in St. Paul. They spoke Monday in St. Paul with MPR News host Angela Davis (right) about the struggles and joys of teaching.
Nikhil Kumaran | MPR News

Teaching is no easy job — over the past couple of years, it’s become even more challenging.  

The pandemic flipped education on its head, making educators roll with the punches and adapt to remote learning, hybrid teaching styles and constantly changing circumstances.

We know the classroom has changed, but what about those behind the desk?  

A new generation of teachers is now steering the ship, many of whom got their certifications during the pandemic.

Two teachers at the beginning of their careers spoke to MPR News host Angela Davis about the struggles and joys of leading the classroom.


  • Jordan Biros is a first-grade teacher in her second year at Highwood Hills Elementary in St. Paul.

  • Khadra Ali was a paraprofessional for at least 19 years before delving into teaching. She is now in her fifth year teaching first grade at Highwood Hills Elementary.

Three women pose to get their portrait taken
MPR News Host Angela Davis (left), Jordan Biros (center) and Khadra Ali (right) in an MPR News studio in St. Paul on Monday.
Nikhil Kumaran | MPR News

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