Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer

We chatted with Super Tuesday voters at the polls. Here’s what they had to say

a voter casts their ballot
A voter casts their ballot at Dayton’s Bluff Recreation Center during the Super Tuesday primary in St. Paul.
Kerem Yücel | MPR News

On Super Tuesday, Minnesotans joined voters in fourteen other states in casting ballots in the presidential primary.

MPR News Reporter Estelle Timar-Wilcox talked to voters in Minneapolis Tuesday morning, including supporters of President Joe Biden, Dean Phillips, Donald Trump, Nikki Haley and uncommitted voters.

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Audio transcript

ESTELLE TIMAR-WILCOX: And then we're keeping an eye on Nikki Haley too. She won her first primary in DC this week. So we'll see if she can build on that here in Minnesota.

CATHY WURZER: A lot of people are not excited about a potential Trump/Biden rematch. And I'm wondering if that might curtail high turnout perhaps in Minnesota. Anything about that at the polls?

ESTELLE TIMAR-WILCOX: Yeah, I heard some anxiety about that rematch. But people said they were going to be out to vote in November. And today when I was there, it was pretty sleepy. But it's probably too early to tell how turnout's looking since we were out there in the morning.

And primary elections are generally lower turnout than general elections. In 2020, about 22% of eligible voters turned out for the primary. And then that grew to nearly 80% in the general election in November 2020. So we'll be watching to see if turnout is lower than in past primaries and whether that tells us anything about voter engagement this time around.

CATHY WURZER: All right. Estelle, thank you.


CATHY WURZER: MPR News reporter Estelle Timar-Wilcox.

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