Politics Friday

Politics Friday: Minnesota’s major political party chairs on presidential primaries and the 2024 election season

Two people pose for photo in separate images
Republican Party of Minnesota Chairman David Hann (left) and DFL Chairman Ken Martin.
Kerem Yücel | MPR News

Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden are closing in on their nominations. Coming up Friday at noon, MPR News host Brian Bakst talks to DFL Party Chair Ken Martin and Republican Party Chair David Hann about their party’s likely presidential nominees, and what that matchup may mean in Minnesota.

Later, MPR News correspondent Catharine Richert reflects on the first Talking Sense live event in Woodbury. Talking Sense is an initiative, in collaboration with Braver Angels, that aims to help people have difficult political conversations better. It’s made up of online toolkits, stories that examine our political differences and live in-person events where folks can see the techniques in action.


  • Ken Martin is the Minnesota DFL Party Chair.

  • David Hann is the Republican Party of Minnesota Chair.

  • Catharine Richert is a correspondent for MPR News.

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